Here’s how you tie integrate your catering orders with your meeting scheduling to avoid faulty deliveries


If you handle catering separately you need to repeat the process every time a meeting is moved. With Planner everything is moved to the correct time and location when you move your room booking.

If you move the meeting to a different time, your order is moved, if you move the meeting to a different location, your order is moved, and if you cancel your meeting your order is cancelled too.


Handling catering as part of the meeting room booking process can save up to 20 minutes per meeting booked


Let’s show you how to optimize your process for handling catering for your meetings

Trusted by world’s leading organizations

Deloitte Salesforce Realdania
Deloitte Salesforce
Gentofte TDC Thermo
Realdania Gentofte

Gentofte Municipality saves 15 to 20 minutes per meeting booking with Planner

"All employees experience a significantly less time consuming process with regards booking meeting rooms and resources. The entire invoicing procedure has been automated. We are extremely content with the solution." Lars Nibelius — System Administrator, Gentofte Municipality

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Book catering for your meetings as easily as you order take out at home


Ordering take-out has become easier than ever. No reason booking catering for your meeting should still be hard. With Planner from Sign In Workspace catering becomes a natural part of scheduling a meeting and not something that’s handled separately.


✅ Users book catering directly in Outlook or through the web app

✅ The kitchen gets orders in when they need to process them, and the orders are updated to reflect meeting activity and locations

✅ Billing is sent to the correct cost center automatically

✅ You will reduce the number of faulty deliveries caused by human error

Need help managing catering for your meetings?

Book a free demo, and we’ll help make your catering management as easy as ordering a pizza.